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3rd Annual Birthday Bash and Fundraiser!
Save the Date! Our next annual Birthday Bash and Fundraiser is June 15th! This year it will be at the beautiful AOPA National Aviation Community Center in Frederick, MD. We will again have items to raffle. Need not be present to win, you may donate via PayPal and email what items you would like to…
And the winner is…..2022 Scholarship Winner Chosen!
The foundation would like to announce the 2022 scholarship winner, Kelli O’Donnell. Again, we received many wonderful applications and it is always tough to choose just one. Kelli is a repeat applicant and continues to prove her passion in using aviation to benefit others. We know she will use these funds to fulfill her lifelong…
2023 Scholarship Winner Chosen!
Congratulations to Cherry Kan, our newest recipient of the JLMF Scholarship!
2nd Annual Birthday Bash & Fundraiser!
Click above to see the flyer and some of the great raffle items available! Need not be present to win, you may donate via PayPal and email what items you would like to enter. Tickets are $5/each or 5 for $20!