2024 Fundraisers

We have a couple fundraisers currently going on, just in time for spring! Getting closer to reaching our next goal for the 4th awarded scholarship! Consider supporting our mission while purchasing your spring flowers and vegetables! Please follow this link to see the beautiful options, shipped directly to you! https://www.flowerpowerfundraising.com/index.php/marketplace/seller/profile/shop/joycelinmemoriafoundation Follow this link to take…

Spring 2023 Fundraiser

Please join us Saturday, April 15th at 6pm in the Bravo hangar for an evening of fun as we creatively raise money for the Foundation. Project includes succulents and everything you need to create living art and a few little surprises too! Please follow this link to hold your spot: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/60b0f4fada82ca3fe3-succulent1

And the winner is…..2022 Scholarship Winner Chosen!

The foundation would like to announce the 2022 scholarship winner, Kelli O’Donnell. Again, we received many wonderful applications and it is always tough to choose just one. Kelli is a repeat applicant and continues to prove her passion in using aviation to benefit others. We know she will use these funds to fulfill her lifelong…